Inside North Korea

Inside North Korea

In this article, I want to bring to your attention a few resources that may be useful for those interested in learning more about North Korea. Given that the country is one of the most isolated in the world today, there is relatively little information about what is happening inside the country. However, there are a few documentaries, stories, and some pictures of North Korea.

Time Magazine: Time Magazine published pictures of North Korea. These pictures were taken by Tomas van Houtryve, and the piece was entitled A Rare Look Inside North Korea.

National Geographic: In 2009, National Geographic put together a video documentary entitled Inside North Korea. The piece was done by correspondent Lisa Ling. I have embedded the video below from for those interested in watching the film.

In 2014, PBS Frontline also put out a video on the issue of North Korea entitled Secret State of North Korea.

Lastly, in 2015, the International Business Times published photographs of inside North Korea. The story can be found here.

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