Model Arab League

Model Arab League

The Model Arab League is a simulation where students work on skills of diplomacy as they simulate a Model Arab League meeting. In this article, we shall discuss what a Model Arab League conference is, how Model Arab League conferences function, as well as resources and links for more information for those that want to read further on the Model Arab League and the different simulation conferences that exist.

What is the Model Arab League?

The Model Arab League is a conference where students, representing a country in the Arab League, hold Arab League simulation meetings.  This is similar to the Model United Nations, only that this particular simulation focuses solely on the countries within the Arab League. At these meetings, the students—representing a country, will discuss and debate a series of international relations issues. The Model Arab League conference is an excellent event in which students can learn about the Arab League, Middle East and North African politics, as parliamentary procedures, as well as international relations issues such as diplomacy, conflict resolution, international organizations, among many other themes and issues.

Model Arab League conferences can vary in size as well as in scope. Depending on how many student delegations there are, there may be many Arab League Councils within the overall conference. For example, just some of the councils may include a Joint Defense Council, a Council on Palestinian Affairs, a Council of Arab Social Affairs Ministers, a Council on Political Affairs, as well as a Council on Arab Environmental Affairs Ministers (Model Arab League Ohio Valley). Thus, conferences can be smaller in size, or can accommodate hundreds of students (particularly if there are more than one delegate per council).

A important point about a Model Arab League conference is that, similar to a Model United Nations, is that they can also be set up within classrooms or within one university. This is helpful for faculty and educators who wish to run simulations within the classroom, or in their community. Thus, students can run simulations at their home institution, as well as at a national or international conference.

What happens at a Model Arab League Conference?

Model Arab League conferences usually have a number of similarities, but can also have some differences depending on how they decide to set up the conference. Some Model Arab League conferences have a parliamentary procedure learning session to go over the voting procedures of the conference. Then, for example, there may be an opening ceremony, where they discuss the Model Arab League, as well as take roll call vote. Then, following the opening ceremony, the sessions are often under way. Here, the delegates go to the respective rooms where the said council will begin.

At the respective councils, the chair will explain the process, ask for a rapporteur, and then begin the council session. Here, individual states can look to set the agenda, or conduct any other motions. In addition, here delegates can ask ‘point of information’ questions about what the council chair would prefer with regards to the way the council goes.

At the Model Arab League conference councils, individual states will work to discuss the different issues on the agenda. For each issue, states enter in the speakers-list (to address the council on the said issue), as well as can ask for moderated and/or un-moderated caucuses. It is through these motions that states can work to draft resolutions with regards to the issues on the agenda.

What Can Students Learn from a Model Arab League Conference?

There are a number of skills, and a great deal of information that students can learn while participating in a Model Arab League simulation conference.  To begin, once the country assignments are set, students can begin learning about the politics of the country that they are representing. This gives students the opportunity to read the scholarly literature related to their country. In addition, students can also read on issues related to the Middle East and North Africa such as water, human rights, financial issues, oil, education, conflict, and other domestic and international relations. Students should also familiarize themselves with the latest news in the region.

In addition, they will learn how the Model Arab League works. They can understand how countries advocate their positions, as well as how negotiation on said issues can happen. In addition, they learn to draft resolutions with regards to the international relations topic. They will have the opportunity to learn how states aim to cooperate on transnational issues. Lastly, students will have the opportunity to meet and network with other students around the region, nation, or country. Thus, there is much to learn by attending a Model Arab League conference.

How Are Students Involved While at a Model Arab League Conference?

Students act at the diplomatic representatives of the country that they are assigned. For example, if a student delegation is assigned Qatar, then they will represent Qatar, and what they believe Qatar’s political, economic, social, cultural, etc…issues are at the Model Arab League conference. Thus, the delegates will all represent the country within their own assigned delegation. Thus, one (or more) individuals will each serve as the representative for each council. So, if the Model Arab League has a Council of Palestinian Affairs, one (or more) will be the Qatari Minister for Palestinian Affairs, and will be working on that said issue.

In addition to representing a country, the Model Arab League conferences may have the option for students to also serve as the Chairs. Council chairs run the councils, and the students will not only learn parliamentary procedure, but they will have the opportunity to have an active role in running the councils.

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